What Is the Difference Between Ornamental Pruning and Standard Pruning

Pruning Styles Formal Versus Informal

Most landscapes have a sameness about them that started at the turn of the century. At this time, homeowners started to surround their houses with shrubbery to hide unattractive foundations. The shrubs and trees were pruned into geometric shapes that were inspired by Renaissance gardens. This style is all too often repeated even though most homes no longer have high, exposed foundations. Many innovative landscapers are trying ornamental pruning, which offers a unique look to gardens.

Formal Pruning Styles

Formal gardens are neat, ordered, and under the complete control of the landscaper. Long, elegant hedges will define spaces and mark out boundaries. The plant shapes are geometrical, and shrubs are sheared into boxes, balls, or cones. This traditional style will enhance garden settings where formality and elegance are required. Today’s garden styles are more informal and emphasize a more natural look.

Informal Pruning Styles

Many gardeners appreciate the natural shape of plants, while others emphasize plants that are in groups or masses and reflect free-form styles. In an informal setting, shrubs will not be pruned into rigid shapes but will be thinned to emphasize their layers of branches, gracefully cascading limbs or any irregular outlines.

Pruning for Formal or Informal Style

The pruning techniques that are chosen will typically determine whether a pruned plant will take on a formal shape or keep its natural shape. For a more natural effect, pruning will need to be inspired by the plant’s normal growth. Pruned naturally, a tree or shrub will maintain its usual rate of growth, and only a little attention will be needed each year to maintain its desired size and shape.

If you would like to make an appointment to discuss our ornamental pruning services, please contact D & T Tree Experts, LLC at (810) 293-9099 now if you live in or around the Davison, MI area.

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